A color which shifts it’s hue according to subtle variations of light is considered “complex.” Complex colors look good in the PNW because we have complex light. During much of the year water molecules in the air scatter our light, which is already subdued by gray clouds and a northern latitude.
A color which doesn’t change hue according to subtle variations of light is considered “saturated.” These colors look natural in places where light is bright. I grew up in Colorado; colors appear more intense there. Even winter light in Colorado is extremely bright, due to reflection off snow and the higher winter sun.
A color which doesn’t change hue according to subtle variations of light is considered “saturated.” These colors look natural in places where light is bright. I grew up in Colorado; colors appear more intense there. Even winter light in Colorado is extremely bright, due to reflection off snow and the higher winter sun.
This complex color scheme is at one with our regional light.
This saturated color scheme works against our regional light.
If you’re flummoxed by choosing house color or simply want to know more, contact me at PaintMoxie.com or call me at (360) 319-4221. I'm happy to help.
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